S3E19 JOYrific 🧠 Mental Health Minute: Setting Boundaries

In this insightful episode of "Monday's Mental Health Minute" with Jamie Braithwaite and Dr. Matt Larson, the focus is on the crucial role of boundaries in maintaining healthy relationships, especially with teenagers. Dr. Matt Larson explores the concept of boundaries not as barriers, but as essential tools to keep relationships inclusive and healthy. He emphasizes that without boundaries, we risk either overwhelming ourselves or cutting people out of our lives entirely.

The discussion delves into practical examples ranging from parenting toddlers to teenagers, demonstrating how boundaries evolve with the changing dynamics of relationships. Dr. Matt shares personal anecdotes and professional insights, illustrating how boundaries are critical in parenting, friendships, and even self-care. He touches upon the delicate balance required in setting boundaries with teenagers, ensuring they grow into fully functioning adults who seek their parents' company not out of need but out of choice.

One of the key takeaways from this episode is the idea that boundaries should be flexible and adaptable to different stages of life and relationships. This approach not only fosters independence and responsibility in teenagers but also preserves the sanctity and affection in familial ties.

Whether you're a parent struggling with setting the right boundaries with your children, or someone looking to understand the dynamics of healthy relationships better, this episode offers valuable perspectives and relatable experiences. Tune in to gain practical tips on navigating the challenges of relationship boundaries and fostering a harmonious balance in your personal interactions.


S3E20 🌮 Taco Tuesday: Delicate Balance Between Using Technology as a Tool for Connection and Letting it Dominate our Attention and Time


S3E18 JOYrific 🤩 Wisdom: Self Care