JOYrific Podcast 2013: Through The Eyes of My Children

Here are a few words about the JOYrific Chart from the mouths of my daughters. I created the chart and JOYrific System over 4 years ago when my now 8, 6, 4 year olds were only 4, 2, and 6 months old. They have grown up with a Chart in our Kitchen and the JOYrific Vocabulary discussed on a daily basis. This is completely unscripted and they said (and sometimes sang) what they wanted to about the JOYrific Chart. This should also give you a good idea of how we discuss the chart as a family when visiting the "high and middle". We recall stories, feelings, emotions, and openly share our experiences.


JOYrific Podcast 2013: Communication


JOYrific Podcast 2013: The Art Of Mastering Meltdowns And Attitude Adjustments